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Dear friends!

We are proud to announce a new game update. During the next 7 days we plan to deploy and stabilize it. Some issues may occur during that period, but we will fix everything ASAP.

The game has returned to the Google Play. To get it, you need to uninstall the old version, find the new one by a link or key words: Elemental Heroes and install it.

New game mode: Arena

Arena is a highly balanced PVP game mode which doesn’t use any of your characters, cards, spells or artifacts. It means that both have equal chances to win: a year-in-the-game-veteran and a rookie who has good tactical skills in turn based games.


  • In Arena everyone have to choose 5 cards and 4 spells from the given random variants (no artifacts).
  • Entrance costs 15 diamonds (first time is free).
  • End of the Arena takes place if one of the ending conditions has been reached: 3 loses, 12 victories or “Retreat” button is pressed.
  • On ending the Arena player receives an award according to his number of victories.
  • Each victory adds points to weekly rank of the player in Arena.
  • At the end of the week, additional weekly rewards are given according to the rank collected by the player.
  • Pressing “Retreat” button removes all the rank points gained during current game session.
  • Closing Arena screen or exiting game doesn’t end the Arena session. You may safely continue later.

Premium account

  • Additional deck is now available for fast switching your army. Since now you may set up an army for example, for raid bosses and for PVP and switch them in one click/touch in the lobby (a switch button is on the right side of the active deck).

User Interface

  • UI elements resolution has been increased, so now most items will look better
  • Some elements has been improved


  • If a unit got blinded, and his blindness is interrupted by enemy attack (or removed by the Remove negative spell) – it’ll get his turn to act in current round.
  • At the beginning of the battle the first unit time to move is increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • Cards are now drag-n-droppable in the main deck (no need to remove and re-add since now).
  • Action points are now restoring while player is in 3rd portal.
  • Android: added mouse support.
  • Fixed a rare issue when attempt to attack raid boss followed with location entrance.
  • Fixed issue with sound volume control in settings window
  • Other improvements

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